I truly believe that the investment you make in your education is an investment in the success of your business! And, it is my belief that when you make a solid decision to invest in yourself, others will invest in you too! - Josh Freund

Sharpening Between The Lines
Troubleshooting a No-Line Blender ($36.95)
In this 16 min. instructional DVD, Master Warranty Sharpener, Josh Freund of Kut Above Perfection takes on a 37 tooth no-line blending shear that has failed to cut through hair. This DVD is a show and tell of how he identifies the main problem of this shear after analyzing, diagnosing, and servicing this tricky to sharpen blender in a very specific way. He also offers an explanation of why this specialty shear is sharpened differently than a traditional blending shear. Knowing how to service this new style of shear will make you look like a hero amongst your grooming and cosmetology professionals!
TO PURCHASE THE DIGITAL VERSION OF THIS VIDEO GO TOhttps://vimeo.com/ondemand/sharpeningbetweentheline/265405102

Ready. Set. Hammer. An Advanced Setting Technique ($66.95)
In this comprehensive DVD on hammering set into shears, Josh Freund of Kut Above Perfection takes on the controversial topic of hammer setting. This DVD focuses on one of the main components of the cutting action of a shear, which is its set. This DVD explains what set is and the main function of having a proper set. He shows what good set and bad set should look like. The main causes of why a shear would be out of set. How to tell if a shear is cast or forged, and if a shear is a good candidate or not for hammer setting. He demonstrates, from start to finish, his proprietary hammer setting techniques, and gives a lot of tips and tricks for how to safely put a proper set back into a shear. He also shows how to take set out of a shear if the shear has been over set. You will also learn what types of hammers and anvils are best to use for this technique.
TO PURCHASE THE DIGITAL VERSION OF THIS VIDEO GO TO https://vimeo.com/ondemand/readysethammer

How To Sharpen & Fully Restore A Barber Blending Shear ($66.95)
In this 50min DVD Joshua Freund of Kut Above Perfection Sharpening will walk you step by step thru the restoration and sharpening processes of a very damaged and worn out 46 tooth taper-fine barber blending shear. In this instructional DVD, Josh Freund tackles issues dealing with blades with heavy oxidation and rust, worn out bumpers, a broken tooth, and teeth with missing V-notches. This in-depth DVD is full of information addressing the Do’s and Don’ts of sharpening this specialty blending shear. Watch as he restores this shear back to factory specifications using his proven techniques.
TO PURCHASE THE DIGITAL VERSION OF THIS VIDEO GO TO https://vimeo.com/ondemand/barberblendervideo

How To Sharpen A 30 Tooth Double Thinner ($56.95)
In this 25 minute instructional DVD, Master warranty sharpener Josh Freund shows in depth his step by step procedures for taking a non-functioning 30 tooth double thinning shear that wouldn’t cut through hair, to a better than new shear that cuts through hair with ease! These types of shears are gaining popularity for hairstylists. To stay on the cutting edge of these types of tools learn the proven sharpening techniques that are specific to these types of shears to keep your customers’ tools performing optimally.
TO PURCHASE THE DIGITAL VERSION OF THIS VIDEO GO TO https://vimeo.com/ondemand/thinners

How To Corrective Sharpen A Nine-Tooth Chunker ($56.95)
In this 46 min. DVD Josh Freund show step-by-step how to take a dull and unusable nine-tooth chunking shear and restored it back to manufacturers' specifications. These methods can also be applied to blending shears, thinning shears, and texturizing shears.
TO PURCHASE THE DIGITAL VERSION OF THIS VIDEO GO TO https://vimeo.com/ondemand/124271